• Muslim Matters Magazine

    Access fresh perspectives, developments & timely thought leadership from the MAI family. Faculty & students contribute insight and share perspectives in the Muslim Matters Magazine.
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  • Publications

    MAI Personnel have published many works over the past 50 years, through its own label and with other publishers internationally. Discover insight that fits your interest, in simple and easy-to-digest language... Free of Charge.
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  • Islamiyat Program

    Learn Islam to live the best life... for this world, and the next. Part-time and taught by qualified professionals to help you discover authentic Islam, and live your best life for both worlds...
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  • Academic Programs

    For in-depth or short courses & learnings on Islamic principles, practices and culture - including live classes & self-study options...
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  • Majlis ul Ulamaa

    The MAI Institute hosts the Majlis ul Ulamaa leading Islamic scholars in Trinidad and Tobago working together to define One Position. in One Voice. towards One Ummah.
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Your source for authentic Islamic education and information in a dynamic, demanding world…

Muslim Matters Magazine

The Lifelong Learning Imperative: Staying Ahead in a Rapidly Changing World

Done in collaboration with PDMAcademy & Masjid us Salaam, La Sophie Trace. In today’s fast-paced world, the need for continuous learning, upskilling, and incorporating diverse perspectives into our thinking has never been more critical. Whether you’re a student, a young professional, or a seasoned expert, the landscape of knowledge and

Science, Religion, Islam & the Mainstream

Mainstream media today will have you believe you need to choose between science and religion. And they spin it in a way to make science look modern and progressive, while religion is presented as barbaric and traditional. We know that is a false narrative. Throughout history science benefited tremendously from

Paradise Ave. – MAI Podcast

In today’s fast-paced digital world, podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium, offering unparalleled convenience and accessibility for listeners on the go. For us at the MAI Institute, we hope through a podcast to be able to extend the MAI family, and provide a platform for meaningful conversations. For you

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View all articles of the Muslim Matters Magazine and stay up-to-date of thoughts and developments as we navigate the environment and help each other live the best life, for both worlds.