About MAI


The Markaz al Ihsaan is a private, non-profit educational institute that is dedicated to the development and edification of Islamic education – from consideration of perspectives on the fundamental pillars of faith, to in-depth specialisations on contemporary Islamic issues.

Established in the year 2000, the MAI Institute strives towards an educated community, and offers programmes that assist in the cultivation of a refined life for every individual, based on the Qur’anic guidance and on the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pboh). In its short existence, the MAI Institute has begun to craft a global reputation for both its pioneering fields of study in contemporary issues as well as its public outreach in both traditional community and digital initiatives.

Today, MAI Institute boasts of hundreds of graduates at each of the Certificate, Diploma and Alim levels. Our graduates come from diverse professional and social backgrounds, many of whom have corresponding post-secondary and post-graduate certification. With additional locations of operations locally and internationally, MAI Institute is poised to serve even more communities in building an educated community and refined individuals.


The mission of the MAI Institute is to provide accessible authentic Islamic education effectively and efficiently to all those interested in understanding and applying Islamic beliefs, values, and practices in their everyday lives.


The MAI Institute aspires to inculcate a family culture and environment based on key values guided by Islamic Shariah, including:

  • inclusion
  • tolerance
  • respect


From its inception to date, the MAI Institute represents a new phase and the culmination of efforts of Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed – author and missionary – who has been active in the local and global Muslim community for over 4 decades. Growing out of a core Islamic Worker Training programme, the Markaz al Ihsaan began as part-time religious classes on the weekends at the Edoo’s Welding and Industrial Supplies Company training facility, where it quickly utilised full available capacity.

In 2007 the MAI Institute moved to the Al Ihsaan Centre, located in the scenic Hermitage Village, La Romaine, and adjoining the Hermitage Mosque. From there, the MAI Institute moved beyond its national borders and has opened its first overseas branch in the Republic of Guyana, based at the Anna Catherina Islamic Complex. Classes were also conducted at the Cumuto Mosque, in the north-eastern part of the island of Trinidad.

Today, the MAI Institute has embraced the 21st century developments, and has moved fully online. Its classes and operations are conducted digitally, and its students and faculty operate from different countries throughout the hemisphere.

Who’s Involved

Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed

Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed is the founder of the MAI Institute, alongside Haji Imtiaz Edoo and Imam Shuffy Mohammed.

Born in 1941, Dr. Waffie has enjoyed a long and illustrious career in serving the Muslim community of Trinidad and Tobago, and later on communities in other countries throughout the world. A graduate of Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies, and a direct student of Dr. Fazlu Rahman Ansari, Dr. Waffie was the first Trinbagonian national to earn a doctorate in Islamic studies. On completion, he returned to his native home and began teaching Islam throughout the country.

In 1986 he established the Islamic Workers Training Program, most of the graduates of which became Imams in their respective Jamaats throughout the country, or established mosques in areas that needed them.

Other career highlights include:

  • Senator in the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago (1981-1986)
  • Recipient of the Humming Bird Gold National Award for service to Community in Education
  • Director of the Muslim World League regional office for Caribbean and Central America
  • Principal of the Haji Ruknuddeen Institute of Islamic Studies (ASJA)
  • Chairman of the Sharia Supervisory Board of Islamic Banking Services, Clico Investment Bank.
  • Visiting scholar to Islamic institutions across North America, UK, Pakistan, Singapore, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and throughout the Caribbean region
  • Spiritual leader in the Qadri and Naqshbandi orders
  • Author of numbers books, pamphlets and journal articles – including pioneering works in select social sciences, published and distributed internationally
  • Media host on Television (IBN) and Radio (103.1 FM) programs, as well as active social media programming (Facebook Live)
  • Guest feature-speaker at various national and inter-faith events.

Syed Dr. Faheem Mohammed

Son of Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed, Dr. Faheem is the managing director of Professional Alliance Network (Caribbean) Ltd. and the Founder/Owner of PDMAcademy and Horizon Labs. He also serves as adjunct faculty at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. Dr. Faheem serves as the executive director at the MAI Institute and the executive director and director of research at the Majlis ul Ulamaa (Council of Scholars).

Previously he served as Program Director for the Master of Information Systems and Technology Management at the Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. He was also Manager, Strategic Development at Islamic Banking Services, Clico Investment Bank, and Head of the Strategy and Innovation consulting division of the Institute of Business (UWI St. Augustine). Dr. Faheem has had a rich mix of experience across Consulting, Academia, Entrepreneurship and as an employee across various sectors and scales of operations.

Dr. Faheem holds graduate and postgraduate qualifications in management, technology, sociological studies and theology. Qualifications include:

  • Present: Doctor of Business Administration (Leadership, Institutional Performance and Culture), Arthur Lok Jack Global School of Business, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine (graduand)
  • MSc. Strategic Business Information Technology, University of Portsmouth
  • BSc. Management Studies, University of London, London School of Economics
  • Dip. Th., Markaz al Ihsaan
  • Dip. Th. Haji Ruknuddeen Institute of Islamic Studies (Valedictorian)
  • Cert. University of Teaching and Learning, University of West Indies, St. Augustine