MAI Notices & Activities

Category Archives:MAI Notices & Activities

The Lifelong Learning Imperative: Staying Ahead in a Rapidly Changing World

Done in collaboration with PDMAcademy & Masjid us Salaam, La Sophie Trace.

In today’s fast-paced world, the need for continuous learning, upskilling, and incorporating diverse perspectives into our thinking has never been more critical. Whether you’re a student, a young professional, or a seasoned expert, the landscape of knowledge and skills is constantly evolving. There are a number of trends driving this necessity, and commensurate with these are significant benefits that can accrue to persons on this path.

The Need for Continuous Learning

It used to be that once you specialize in a particular area, you could have dedicated your career to perfecting your craft. Today, with the advancement of technology and volatility in the marketplace, persons no longer have that luxury. Fast changes and diverse audiences – and the opportunities associated with them – demand flexibility and adaptability. Learning, unlearning and relearning are becoming standard, and figuring things out mid-journey, in shorter segments (i.e. the agile method) are fast moving to the norm. What are the trends that drive this need for continuous learning?

  1. Technological Advancements: The rapid pace of technological innovation means that skills quickly become outdated. Fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science are evolving so fast that staying current requires ongoing education.
  2. Globalization: In an interconnected world, understanding different cultures, markets, and business practices is crucial. Continuous learning allows you to adapt to and thrive in diverse environments.
  3. Changing Job Market: The job market is dynamic, with new roles emerging and others becoming obsolete. Upskilling ensures you remain competitive and can transition smoothly between different career paths.
  4. Information Overload: With the vast amount of information available, the ability to discern credible sources and synthesize diverse viewpoints is a valuable skill. Continuous learning hones this critical thinking ability.

Unparalleled Benefits

The reality today requires a particular approach. Those oriented to stability and comfort would balk at the need to unlearn and relearn, or lament the effort required to keep up with changes. Those seeking the excitement of a dynamic landscape would savor the volatility and constant changes – there’s little room for boredom. But regardless of which side of the coin you fall, there are numerous and significant benefits that can accrue from these trends.

  1. Enhanced Employability: Regularly updating your skills makes you a more attractive candidate for employers. It demonstrates adaptability, a proactive attitude, and a commitment to personal growth.
  2. Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Learning new things keeps the mind active and engaged. It can lead to personal satisfaction, increased confidence, and a sense of achievement.
  3. Better Problem-Solving Skills: Exposure to different ideas and disciplines fosters creativity and innovation. It allows you to approach problems from multiple angles and develop more effective solutions.
  4. Career Advancement: Continuous learning can open doors to new opportunities and higher positions within your field. It equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to take on greater responsibilities.
  5. Adaptability to Change: In an ever-changing world, the ability to learn and adapt is essential. Continuous learning prepares you to navigate changes in technology, industry trends, and job requirements.

The Ultimate Hack to Real-Time Progress

While self-directed learning is valuable, having a teacher or mentor can significantly enhance the process and experience, and minimize the effort required to internalize the subject matter and make use of it. This has been a tried and tested model of cognitive development from time immemorial, for many reasons, including:

  1. Structured Learning Path: A teacher provides a structured curriculum that ensures you cover all necessary topics comprehensively, saving you time and effort.
  2. Expert Insights: Teachers bring expertise and experience to the table, offering insights that you might not find through self-study. They can help clarify complex concepts and provide practical applications.
  3. Accountability and Motivation: Regular interactions with a teacher keep you accountable and motivated. They can help you set realistic goals, track your progress, and celebrate your achievements.
  4. Personalized Feedback: A teacher can provide personalized feedback on your performance, highlighting areas for improvement and offering tailored advice to help you succeed.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Teachers often have professional networks that can provide additional learning resources, opportunities, and connections within your field.

In a world where change is the only constant, continuous learning is not just an option; it’s a necessity. By embracing lifelong learning, upskilling, and expanding your perspectives, you position yourself for success in both your personal and professional life. And with the guidance of a knowledgeable teacher, you can navigate this journey more effectively, gaining the skills and insights needed to thrive in our rapidly evolving world. So, invest in your future today by committing to continuous learning and seeking out mentors who can guide you along the way.

MAI Institute in collaboration with PDMAcademy & Masjid us Salaam, La Sophie Trace have developed a training program to upgrade persons’ Technical and Industrial Skills and prepare them for jobs in the industrial workplace. Heavy industries, manufacturing and construction are a few of the opportunities that become available with basic skills in electrical wiring and occupational health & safety (HSE) training.

Find out more about the Technical & Industrial Skills Training Program, and gain the edge from more marketability and a different perspective

Paradise Ave. – MAI Podcast

In today’s fast-paced digital world, podcasts have emerged as a powerful medium, offering unparalleled convenience and accessibility for listeners on the go. For us at the MAI Institute, we hope through a podcast to be able to extend the MAI family, and provide a platform for meaningful conversations. For you our listeners, this means access to insights from our community of practitioners, hearing inspiring stories and practical advice, all available at your fingertips. Whether commuting, exercising, or relaxing at home, a podcast has the potential to empower and enrich our lives, making valuable information easily accessible anytime, anywhere.

MAI Institute invites you to listen / subscribe to Paradise Ave., your guide to living a fulfilling and meaningful life rooted in Islamic principles.

Join us at the MAI Institute as we explore how to navigate the complexities of modern life while staying true to our faith. Our mission is to provide you with the guidance and motivation needed to thrive both in this world and the hereafter by embracing the tenets of Islam.

In each episode, we delve into practical advice and spiritual insights to help you cultivate a life of purpose, peace, and productivity.

  • We tackle pressing issues facing the Muslim community locally in Trinidad and Tobago, throughout the Caribbean, and around the globe.
  • From personal development and family matters to social justice and global events, we address these topics from a mainstream Muslim perspective, offering wisdom and support grounded in our shared faith.

Tune in to Paradise Ave. and embark on a journey of self-improvement and community empowerment. Join us at the MAI Institute and let’s walk together on the path to a better life, for this world and the next.

Follow the link

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The management, staff, and students of the Markaz Al Ihsaan congratulate our Executive Director Dr. Faheem Mohammed, Son of Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed, for successfully completing his doctorate in Business Administration in Islamic Leadership.

May Almighty Allah continue to shower His mercies and blessings on you and your family and allow us to be amongst those who benefit from the knowledge, wisdom, and guidance that He swt has blessed you with.


#Congratulations #LearnIslam #livethebestlife #forbothworlds #levelup #maiinstitute

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Changes in Governance

[Trinidad, April 2024] – The Markaz al Ihsaan (MAI Institute) wishes to announce changes in its leadership and operational address to better serve its mission and community.

Please be advised that Haji Imtiaz Edoo is no longer on the Board of Directors of MAI. We extend our deepest gratitude to Haji Edoo for his invaluable contributions during his tenure and wish him all the best in his future endeavors. We note that his efforts and support, alongside director and Principal Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed, have contributed to the dissemination of Islamic education and media for 2 decades.

The MAI Institute is also relocating its operational headquarters. MAI is no longer located at or connected to the Hermitage Village Mosque. This change is an opportunity to facilitate improved efficiency in our operations, ensuring that we continue to deliver and extend our provision of impactful edification services, humanitarian assistance and community development programs.

“We are grateful for Haji Imtiaz’s dedication and service to the MAI during his time on the board. His contributions have been instrumental in sustaining our mission until this time,” said Faheem Mohammed, Director at MAI. He added, “We are confident that with the support of our dedicated team and partners, the changes at the MAI Institute will augur to making even more meaningful strides in serving our communities towards a brighter future.”

For inquiries or further information, you can visit our website at, or contact our administration team via email at

About Markaz al Ihsaan (the MAI Institute): The MAI Institute is a non-profit organization founded in 2003 by Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed, and is dedicated to providing authentic Islamic education to further the human representation of Almighty Allah in individuals’ intentions, actions and conduct.

Web:; Email:

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Level Up! in this life… & the next.

The MAI Institute is currently accepting registration for its Islamiyat Program – a part-time, online program ideal for working professionals and students who want to learn authentic Islam while they tend to their work, studies and families.

Ideal for persons with no prior background in Islamic studies, those seeking to learn authentic Islam practiced from Albania to Zambia, and those who wish to avoid getting caught up in extremist, fundamentalist teachings and influences.

In the face of the chaos of the world today with technological disruption, mushrooming pandemic, unstable climate and social upheaval, Islam continues to provide the roadmap for persons to achieve peace, purpose and performance for the upliftment of themselves, their communities and society at large.

On the Islamiyat Program students will cover the principles, practices and culture of Islam to be a good practicing Muslim, and strategies to engage in society in a more meaningful and influential way.

Classes start in September each year, are conducted online and are open to everyone.

Persons seeking to find out more, or register, can visit

MAI Graduation 2019

The MAI Institute (Markaz al Ihsaan) recently held its 19th Annual Graduation Ceremony at the Markaz al Ihsaan Campus, Hermitage Village, San Fernando.

More than 100 students, family and staff were in attendance as the over 30 students graduated from the Certificate, Diploma and Aalim levels of the Islamic Studies Program offered by the MAI Institute.

This year, the ceremony had some notable differences, since in addition to the graduation, the Institute also recognized members of faculty who attained awards of merit in various capacities.

  • 3 members of faculty were issued Long Service Awards for their dedication and contribution to the MAI. Mrs. Fareeda Mohammed-Rahamut; Mr. Ishmael Khan and Mr. Wazim Ohab have served for a greater part of the 19 years the institute has been active, and mostly graduated from the Islamic Studies Program before becoming members of faculty.
  • In a tip of the hat to Mr. Hameez Mohammed and team, they were recognized for their award of ‘Most Outstanding Conference Paper 2019’ by the International Association of Engineers at their 2019 International Conference of Applied and Engineering Mathematics. Mr. Hameez Mohammed serves as the Head of Academic and as faculty of the MAI Institute.
  • A posthumous award was issued to Imam Shuffy Mohammed for his dedication and contribution to the MAI Institute, and the media studio was named in his memory the Imam Shuffy Mohammed Multimedia Studio.

Founder and Principal of the MAI Institute, Maulana Dr. Waffie Mohammed, recognized the basis on which the Institute was founded, saying, “As Muslims one is required to become learned… to take care of himself or herself physically, morally and spiritually…. One is required to become enlightened on how to benefit from the gift of life here with the assurance of something in the Hereafter.” Dr. Waffie was a student of world-renowned scholar Dr. Fazlu Rahman Ansari (Pakistan), and is one of the oldest living persons to have studied under Dr. Ansari.

Director Mr. Faheem Mohammed located the importance of the MAI Institute in the contemporary global context. He said “Oil and Migration have dominated the agenda, and terrorists have hijacked the narrative. There is soo much more Islam has done and continues to do, but we have to remind Muslims and non-Muslims alike of this. And for this we need all capable hands on deck.”

Mr. Mohammed also recognized the MAI Institute’s efforts to build on achievements of past Islamic scholarship in various branches of study – Ibn Haytham for the scientific method; Jabir al Hayyam as the father of Chemistry; Ibn Khaldun as the founding father of the study of History and Sociology; and Hazrat Omar in Law. “The Markaz in a short space of time has been able to contribute to distinct works in such areas as Islamic Sociology, Islamic Psychology, Public Speaking, Muslims in Minority and Islamic Groups in Contemporary Society. Some of these titles are published in far off places like Malaysia, and used in universities there.”

Chairman Haji Imtiaz Edoo moved an emotional appreciation where he appealed to the graduates to make the best contribution to society with the knowledge they were able to receive. He reminded all persons that nothing lasts forever and they were in part lucky to have access to the faculty team led by Maulana Waffie, and in part responsible for what the future of the community would be.

The MAI Institute is gearing up for a year-long celebration of its 20th Anniversary, and would be hosting a range of activities catering to present and past students, members of the Muslim community as well as the greater national community.

For more information, visit; or email

MAI Alumni Event 2020

An alumni association is a key part of any school, and is of growing importance in today’s environment of continuous learning and self-organised learning environments.

MAI is pleased to launch its MAI Alumni program with its first annual Alumni event scheduled for this January. Through this, it is hoped that past students would be able to realise key benefits, including:

  • reunite with classmates
  • expand networks by meeting other graduates
  • keep abreast of school developments
  • access new programs for continuous learning
  • get involved in activities and take advantage of opportunities in and through the school
  • assist present students in navigating their journey

The first annual MAI Alumni event is carded for

  • Saturday, February 1st, 2020
  • Markaz al Ihsaan Campus
  • Starts promptly at 2.00 pm

Interested alumni can visit the Alumni webpage; email; WhatsApp +1 (868) 488-0178 or join our WhatsApp Group here

Marriage in Islam Seminar

Majlistt ( is pleased to invite you to its public seminar on the topic of ‘Marriage in Islam’

to be held at the Princes Town Asja Hall

Sunday July 21st, 9.30 – 12.30

Our Shariah Council members would be presenting on such topics as:

  • Who you can marry and marriage to non-Muslims
  • The age of marriage and the age of consent
  • The Muslim marriage ceremony
  • Roles, rights and responsibilities of the Husband and Wife
  • Dealing with conflicts
  • Polygamy
  • Divorce

There will be a Question and Answer segment.

Lunch and refreshments will be served.

Certificate in Islamic Studies 2019 Intake

The MAI Institute is inviting all persons from 13 years and over to register for its Certificate in Islamic Studies programme in September.

This 1-year part-time course covers the essentials to know Islam and what is required to be a practicing Muslim, and you will learn:

  • Learn the Fundamental Beliefs of Islam
  • Apply proper practices in Islamic Worship and general conduct
  • Learn to Read Arabic
  • Memorize Chapters of the Quran

Classes are offered on the following:

  • Saturday mornings 8.30 am – 12 noon
  • Monday evenings 6.30 – 8.30 pm

Classes begin on the following:

  • Saturday: September 7th
  • Monday: September 9th

Persons interested can register at the following:

Islamic Youth Camp 2019

The MAI Institute is hosting its 2nd annual Islamic Youth Camp, on the theme Eid-ul-Adha.

The camp runs from the 26th to the 28th of July, from 9am to 3 pm, and is open to all children ages 5 – 15.

Admission is free but spaces are limited, so register your child early, at or on campus at 161 Dumfries Road, Hermitage Village (next to the Hermitage Mosque).

Find & Share this event on Facebook at: MAIInstitute/Facebook