Worship Allah until there is Certainty

Worship Allah until there is Certainty

Haji Ishmael Khan

By His (swt) divine will, Allah (swt) has brought to an end the beautiful month of Ramadhaan.  He (swt) commands us to celebrate Eid ul Fitr as a reward for completing the end of a month of fasting and self-discipline. We should however try and maintain our extra acts of worship, self-restraint and introspection as far as is practicable possible.

Ramadhaan brought with it a great deal of mercies and opportunities to get closer to Allah (swt). The increase in rewards for additional worship through reading the Qur’an abundantly, reading lots of Dhikr, performing Nafl salaah, giving of Charity, I’takaf, the promise of a thousand months of worship for seeking the night of Laylat-al- Qadr and other forms of kindness and worship are to benefit us through Allah’s love . All a Muslim had to do , was to strive towards Allah.

Ramadhaan was a time for self-introspection and the control of one’s desire and emotions. We experienced the needs of the poor and needy through hunger and thirst. We would have learnt to control our thoughts and actions through selecting appropriate speech and conduct. Surely we can rejoice in the bounties of Allah, for allowing us to seek forgiveness and too fast for His (swt) sake.  In general we would have become   a person of better character, increased iman and we would have develop an appreciation of the sorry state of many of fellow human being around us.

Having followed Allah’s divine commands, and the choices we made during the month of Ramadhaan, we would have polished our hearts by removing some of the stains caused by doing things we were not supposed to do. The result is an improvement to the working of our nafs (desire, passion, etc.) in better harmony with our souls through the sacrifices and forgiveness Allah (swt) afforded us. May Allah (swt) accept our efforts and shower love in our hearts to do the things that pleases him.

 Such a month was so beneficial to us, that the believer would not have wanted Ramadhaan to come to an end. The true believer and lover of Ramadhaan would have felt the loss as mention by, Imam Rajab Al Hanbalii (r ) who has said, “How can a believer not shed tears at the departure of Ramadhaan, when he doesn’t even know whether he’ll be alive for its return or not”. It is my genuine desire that your hopes and dreams are fulfill by the blessing of Allah as He (swt) open many doors of success and prosperity in making it easier for you to get closer to Him (swt).

Let this Eid be a milestone for you in a more beautiful life; and that you are not going to turn back, but you continue to do the things that would earn the love and compassion of Allah.

May Allah shower you with His love and accept all your sacrifices. Although the month of Ramadhaan may have come to an end, let the spirit and Allah’s favors of the month of ramadhaan energize you to please Him (swt). Know that the right of Allah has not ended but that you continue to strive to earn His (swt) pleasures. Preserve your religion throughout your lives. Worship Allah until there is certainty (death).


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